Upper Big Horn Sub-Basin Watershed Implementation Program
A Clean Water Act Section 319 Grant
319 Grant Application
The Upper Big Horn River Sub-Basin Watershed 319 Grant Implementation Program was created to help fund projects that are believed to reduce bacteria contributions to the Big Horn River, including Sage Creek, Slick Creek, Nowater Creek, and Fifteen Mile Creek. This is a three year program opportunity, which will expire in October 2025. This program is only available to Washakie County residents whose land is within the Upper Big Horn Sub-Basin Watershed.
Project Synopsis
The primary goal of this project is to reduce sediment, bacteria, and pathogen loads within the Upper Big Horn Sub-basin Watershed, specifically the Big Horn River, Sage, Slick, Cottonwood, Nowater and Fifteen Mile creeks. The goals will be achieved through active, collaborative watershed improvement efforts, outreach strategies and the implementation of best management practices to reduce bacteria and sediment contributions from agricultural production on croplands, and rangelands.
Task: BMP Implementation
Task Description: Work with producers and partners to improve irrigation and delivery systems by applying effective tillage practices, implementing Conservation Crop Rotation practices, planting cover crops, establishing/improving Riparian Buffers, implementing relocation of animal waste and/or proper manure application practices, managing stubble height, and developing off-site watering facilities.
Funding Overview
The Washakie Watershed Steering Committee will complete a review, and then rank applications submitted for cost share assistance. The amount of cost share available for each project ranked as a high priority is a maximum of 60% cost share, and for each project ranked as a medium priority is a maximum of 50% cost share. The Washakie County Conservation District (WCCD) Board of Supervisors, based upon review and recommendations from the Washakie Watersheds Steering Committee, will approve applications and determine the amount of cost share for each project on a case-by-case basis. The applicant is required to invest at least 40% match (cash or in-kind) for each high priority ranked project or 50% match for each medium priority ranked project. WCCD reserves the right to adjust the cost-share final payment based upon actual amount of the project. Cost reimbursement will be based upon actual costs unless actual costs exceed 10% over the estimated cost. If the actual cost exceeds 10% over the estimated cost, the applicant will be responsible for the difference.
Selection Process and Timeline
Applications are due by the first Friday of March, June, September, and December and arrangements will need to be made by the applicant to schedule an on-site visit of the proposed project. Consideration for approval will not be made unless an on-site visit has been completed.
Applicants will be required to present their project to the Washakie Watersheds Steering Committee during a regularly scheduled meeting, held quarterly during the months of March, June, September, and December, where the preliminary review and ranking will also be accomplished.
Final project approval, based upon input from the steering committee, will be made by the WCCD Board of Supervisors during a board meeting on the third Monday of the month following steering committee ranking.
All projects must be pre-approved before being initiated and must be evaluated and/or certified upon completion before reimbursement is made to applicant.
If the construction of this project crosses other landowner’s properties, applicant will need to have discussed the proposed project and received preliminary access approval prior to the WCCD Board of Supervisors meeting for project approval. (Refer to Landowner Permission to Install Form)
Applications may be mailed to WCCD, 208 Shiloh Road, Worland, WY 82401, or emailed to [email protected]. For more information, please contact Amanda at 347-2456 ext. 101.
319 Grant Application
The Upper Big Horn River Sub-Basin Watershed 319 Grant Implementation Program was created to help fund projects that are believed to reduce bacteria contributions to the Big Horn River, including Sage Creek, Slick Creek, Nowater Creek, and Fifteen Mile Creek. This is a three year program opportunity, which will expire in October 2025. This program is only available to Washakie County residents whose land is within the Upper Big Horn Sub-Basin Watershed.
Project Synopsis
The primary goal of this project is to reduce sediment, bacteria, and pathogen loads within the Upper Big Horn Sub-basin Watershed, specifically the Big Horn River, Sage, Slick, Cottonwood, Nowater and Fifteen Mile creeks. The goals will be achieved through active, collaborative watershed improvement efforts, outreach strategies and the implementation of best management practices to reduce bacteria and sediment contributions from agricultural production on croplands, and rangelands.
Task: BMP Implementation
Task Description: Work with producers and partners to improve irrigation and delivery systems by applying effective tillage practices, implementing Conservation Crop Rotation practices, planting cover crops, establishing/improving Riparian Buffers, implementing relocation of animal waste and/or proper manure application practices, managing stubble height, and developing off-site watering facilities.
Funding Overview
The Washakie Watershed Steering Committee will complete a review, and then rank applications submitted for cost share assistance. The amount of cost share available for each project ranked as a high priority is a maximum of 60% cost share, and for each project ranked as a medium priority is a maximum of 50% cost share. The Washakie County Conservation District (WCCD) Board of Supervisors, based upon review and recommendations from the Washakie Watersheds Steering Committee, will approve applications and determine the amount of cost share for each project on a case-by-case basis. The applicant is required to invest at least 40% match (cash or in-kind) for each high priority ranked project or 50% match for each medium priority ranked project. WCCD reserves the right to adjust the cost-share final payment based upon actual amount of the project. Cost reimbursement will be based upon actual costs unless actual costs exceed 10% over the estimated cost. If the actual cost exceeds 10% over the estimated cost, the applicant will be responsible for the difference.
Selection Process and Timeline
Applications are due by the first Friday of March, June, September, and December and arrangements will need to be made by the applicant to schedule an on-site visit of the proposed project. Consideration for approval will not be made unless an on-site visit has been completed.
Applicants will be required to present their project to the Washakie Watersheds Steering Committee during a regularly scheduled meeting, held quarterly during the months of March, June, September, and December, where the preliminary review and ranking will also be accomplished.
Final project approval, based upon input from the steering committee, will be made by the WCCD Board of Supervisors during a board meeting on the third Monday of the month following steering committee ranking.
All projects must be pre-approved before being initiated and must be evaluated and/or certified upon completion before reimbursement is made to applicant.
If the construction of this project crosses other landowner’s properties, applicant will need to have discussed the proposed project and received preliminary access approval prior to the WCCD Board of Supervisors meeting for project approval. (Refer to Landowner Permission to Install Form)
Applications may be mailed to WCCD, 208 Shiloh Road, Worland, WY 82401, or emailed to [email protected]. For more information, please contact Amanda at 347-2456 ext. 101.