Grow Washakie 2025
February 22, 2025 at the Washakie Museum & Cultural Center
9am to 3pm, $15/person
Lunch and WCCD Grocery Tote Included in Registration.
9am to 3pm, $15/person
Lunch and WCCD Grocery Tote Included in Registration.
Welcome to the 2024/2025 Tree Sale!
Taking orders starting November 4, 2024 through March 1, 2025.
Place your order below or click this LINK for a paper order form for our Bare Root Seedling Trees from Schumacher's Nursery in Minnesota, Evergreen Trees from One Canopy in Colorado, Native Plug Plants from Piney Island Native Plants in Sheridan, and Annual and Perennial Wildflower Seeds from Wind River Seed in Manderson.
The WCCD Tree Program enables landowners to obtain trees at nominal cost for conservation projects. Examples of projects include: wind barriers for buildings, cropland, feedlots & roads, erosion control, streambank stabilization, habitat restoration/enhancement, reforestation, native plantings or other conservation plantings. The trees are not for commercial resale.
Research species and your soil, verify supplemental water availability and provide protection from wildlife or livestock. Prepare for extra care during the first few years of growth, particularly in extreme weather conditions. While all species offered are winter hardy, plant growth and survival depends upon proper care, watering, soil-type and weather conditions. WCCD is not responsible for tree or plant conditions after pick up.
Please place your orders early. Quantities may be limited, so we place reservations with the nursery weekly for order received. Payment is due at time you place your order. Reimbursements will only be made if the tree quantity you ordered isn't available.
A $10 flat rate shipping fee will be added to each order. ITEMS THAT STATE NO SHIPPING FEES APPLY must be placed in a separate order to avoid the fee.
All purchases will be charged the 5% Wyoming Sales Tax.
Please contact Janet Hofmann for any questions at
[email protected] or
by phone at 307-347-2456, ext. 121.
Taking orders starting November 4, 2024 through March 1, 2025.
Place your order below or click this LINK for a paper order form for our Bare Root Seedling Trees from Schumacher's Nursery in Minnesota, Evergreen Trees from One Canopy in Colorado, Native Plug Plants from Piney Island Native Plants in Sheridan, and Annual and Perennial Wildflower Seeds from Wind River Seed in Manderson.
The WCCD Tree Program enables landowners to obtain trees at nominal cost for conservation projects. Examples of projects include: wind barriers for buildings, cropland, feedlots & roads, erosion control, streambank stabilization, habitat restoration/enhancement, reforestation, native plantings or other conservation plantings. The trees are not for commercial resale.
Research species and your soil, verify supplemental water availability and provide protection from wildlife or livestock. Prepare for extra care during the first few years of growth, particularly in extreme weather conditions. While all species offered are winter hardy, plant growth and survival depends upon proper care, watering, soil-type and weather conditions. WCCD is not responsible for tree or plant conditions after pick up.
Please place your orders early. Quantities may be limited, so we place reservations with the nursery weekly for order received. Payment is due at time you place your order. Reimbursements will only be made if the tree quantity you ordered isn't available.
A $10 flat rate shipping fee will be added to each order. ITEMS THAT STATE NO SHIPPING FEES APPLY must be placed in a separate order to avoid the fee.
All purchases will be charged the 5% Wyoming Sales Tax.
Please contact Janet Hofmann for any questions at
[email protected] or
by phone at 307-347-2456, ext. 121.
Almond, Russian
12-24" Bare Root Seedling. Bundle of 25.
Russian Almond is a low suckering shrub which bears white, pink or red flowers in May depending on whether the species or a cultivar is grown. The flowers are 3/4 inch across and the fruit is a red cherry most ornamental in summer.
Mature Size: 3' Tall x 5' Wide
Hardiness: All Zones
Light: Full Sun
Russian Almond is a low suckering shrub which bears white, pink or red flowers in May depending on whether the species or a cultivar is grown. The flowers are 3/4 inch across and the fruit is a red cherry most ornamental in summer.
Mature Size: 3' Tall x 5' Wide
Hardiness: All Zones
Light: Full Sun
Ash, Mountain
12-24" Bare Root Seedling. Bundle of 25.
Mountain Ash is a medium sized tree. Leaves are pinnate with 9 to 15 leaflets and dull green above. Flowers are white 8-10mm across blooming in May to early June. Fruit is globose about 8mm across and are beautiful bright red in September lasting into the winter.
Size: 30-40'
Hardiness: Zones 3-7
Light: Full Sun
Mountain Ash is a medium sized tree. Leaves are pinnate with 9 to 15 leaflets and dull green above. Flowers are white 8-10mm across blooming in May to early June. Fruit is globose about 8mm across and are beautiful bright red in September lasting into the winter.
Size: 30-40'
Hardiness: Zones 3-7
Light: Full Sun
Birch, Paper
12-24" Bare Root Seedling. Bundle of 25.
A very hardy, native, fairly rapid growing, medium to tall tree. White bark that peels off in strips; some what borer resistant; best grown in a northern climate; easy to transplant; not pollution tolerant; casts light shade; shallow roots. White bark is turning chalk-white as tree matures, leaves are dull green. Fruit is long-slender green catkin turning brown as maturity. Twigs turn dark reddish brown.
Size: 50-70'
Hardiness: Zones 2-7
Light: Sun to Partial Shade
A very hardy, native, fairly rapid growing, medium to tall tree. White bark that peels off in strips; some what borer resistant; best grown in a northern climate; easy to transplant; not pollution tolerant; casts light shade; shallow roots. White bark is turning chalk-white as tree matures, leaves are dull green. Fruit is long-slender green catkin turning brown as maturity. Twigs turn dark reddish brown.
Size: 50-70'
Hardiness: Zones 2-7
Light: Sun to Partial Shade
Cherry, Black
12-24" Bare Root Seedling. Bundle of 25.
Prunus Serotina is native to eastern North America, Mexico and Central America. It typically occurs in both lowland and upland woods and along streams. It is one of the largest of the cherries, typically growing to 50-75’ tall with a narrow-columnar to rounded crown. It is perhaps most noted for its profuse spring bloom, attractive summer foliage and fall color. Fragrant white flowers in slender pendulous clusters appear with the foliage in spring. Flowers are followed by drooping clusters of small red cherries that ripen in late summer turning dark purple-black in September.
Size: 50-75'
Hardiness: Zones 2-8
Light: Sun
Prunus Serotina is native to eastern North America, Mexico and Central America. It typically occurs in both lowland and upland woods and along streams. It is one of the largest of the cherries, typically growing to 50-75’ tall with a narrow-columnar to rounded crown. It is perhaps most noted for its profuse spring bloom, attractive summer foliage and fall color. Fragrant white flowers in slender pendulous clusters appear with the foliage in spring. Flowers are followed by drooping clusters of small red cherries that ripen in late summer turning dark purple-black in September.
Size: 50-75'
Hardiness: Zones 2-8
Light: Sun
Cherry, Canada Red
12-24" Bare Root Seedling. Bundle of 25.
Canada Red Chokecherry can be grown as a single or multi-stemmed small tree or large shrub. The distinguishing feature of Canada Red Chokecherry is its purple foliage color. New leaves emerge green and turn purple as they mature. Small white flowers in hanging clusters 3-5″ long are produced in May. The edible fruits are small, reddish-purple, and relished by birds. Tree form is upright oval. Plants naturally form many root suckers. Thus the plants develop into thickets if new suckers are not removed.
Size: 20-25'
Hardiness: Zone 2
Light: Full Sun
Canada Red Chokecherry can be grown as a single or multi-stemmed small tree or large shrub. The distinguishing feature of Canada Red Chokecherry is its purple foliage color. New leaves emerge green and turn purple as they mature. Small white flowers in hanging clusters 3-5″ long are produced in May. The edible fruits are small, reddish-purple, and relished by birds. Tree form is upright oval. Plants naturally form many root suckers. Thus the plants develop into thickets if new suckers are not removed.
Size: 20-25'
Hardiness: Zone 2
Light: Full Sun
Cherry, Pin
12-24" Bare Root Seedling. Bundle of 25.
Pin Cherry is a large shrub or small tree, that should be grown in the sun. The white flowers are about 1/2 inch in diameter. The fall foliage color is a combination of yellow and red. The fruits turn red in July and August. The tree usually does well on all but poorly drained or shaded sites.
Size: 25-40'
Hardiness: All Zones
Light: Sun
Pin Cherry is a large shrub or small tree, that should be grown in the sun. The white flowers are about 1/2 inch in diameter. The fall foliage color is a combination of yellow and red. The fruits turn red in July and August. The tree usually does well on all but poorly drained or shaded sites.
Size: 25-40'
Hardiness: All Zones
Light: Sun
Chokeberry, Black
12-24" Bare Root Seedling. Bundle of 25.
Black chokeberry is an open, upright, spreading, somewhat rounded but leggy, deciduous shrub which typically grows 3-6′ (infrequently to 9′) tall. Features clusters of 5-petaled, white flowers in spring which are followed in early autumn by blackish purple, blueberry-sized fruits which usually do not persist into winter. Lustrous, dark green foliage turns an attractive purplish red in autumn. Although technically edible, the fruits are extremely tart and bitter, and are not recommended for eating off the bush (hence the common name of chokeberry), but may be used for making tasty jams and jellies.
Size: 3-6'
Hardiness: All Zones
Light: Full Sun to Partial Shade
Black chokeberry is an open, upright, spreading, somewhat rounded but leggy, deciduous shrub which typically grows 3-6′ (infrequently to 9′) tall. Features clusters of 5-petaled, white flowers in spring which are followed in early autumn by blackish purple, blueberry-sized fruits which usually do not persist into winter. Lustrous, dark green foliage turns an attractive purplish red in autumn. Although technically edible, the fruits are extremely tart and bitter, and are not recommended for eating off the bush (hence the common name of chokeberry), but may be used for making tasty jams and jellies.
Size: 3-6'
Hardiness: All Zones
Light: Full Sun to Partial Shade
Chokecherry, Common
12-24" Bare Root Seedling. Bundle of 25.
Chokecherry is a small suckering hardy tree or large shrub. Distinguished from the Pin Cherry by the leaves. The Chokecherry has broader, egg-shaped leaves and dense, elongated, terminal white flower clusters. May also be mistaken for the Mountain Juneberry. Identification can be made by observing the leafstalks; the Chokecherry leaves have glandular leafstalks while Mountain Juneberry leaves do not. Chokecherry fruits turn dark purple and are edible in July and August.
Size: 20-30'
Hardiness: All Zones
Light: Full Sun to Partial Shade
Chokecherry is a small suckering hardy tree or large shrub. Distinguished from the Pin Cherry by the leaves. The Chokecherry has broader, egg-shaped leaves and dense, elongated, terminal white flower clusters. May also be mistaken for the Mountain Juneberry. Identification can be made by observing the leafstalks; the Chokecherry leaves have glandular leafstalks while Mountain Juneberry leaves do not. Chokecherry fruits turn dark purple and are edible in July and August.
Size: 20-30'
Hardiness: All Zones
Light: Full Sun to Partial Shade
Cotoneaster, Acutifolia
12-24" Bare Root Seedling. Bundle of 25.
Cotoneaster acutifolia, or Peking cotoneaster is a very attractive small to medium low growing shrub. Its mature height is 5 to 7 feet and is slightly taller than broad. Its slender canes grow up and out with a spread of 4 to 6 feet. Cotoneaster grows slowly at first, but after a couple years develops at about 12 to 18 inches per year. It is an upright, strong growing shrub with dark, glossy green foliage, orange to reddish color in the fall with black fruit in early Oct and persists late into the winter, providing a good winter food source for birds. It is a fine hardy Hedge and a good windbreak.
Size: 5-10'
Hardiness: Zone 2
Light: Sun
Cotoneaster acutifolia, or Peking cotoneaster is a very attractive small to medium low growing shrub. Its mature height is 5 to 7 feet and is slightly taller than broad. Its slender canes grow up and out with a spread of 4 to 6 feet. Cotoneaster grows slowly at first, but after a couple years develops at about 12 to 18 inches per year. It is an upright, strong growing shrub with dark, glossy green foliage, orange to reddish color in the fall with black fruit in early Oct and persists late into the winter, providing a good winter food source for birds. It is a fine hardy Hedge and a good windbreak.
Size: 5-10'
Hardiness: Zone 2
Light: Sun
Cottonwood, Male
12-24" Bare Root Seedling. Bundle of 25.
Cottonwood is a rapid growing tree and becomes very large with age. Sexes are separate. Male catkins show colorful red stamens in the spring. The small, light seeds are attached to a white cottony substance which aids in wind dispersal of the seeds. Female trees produce tremendous amounts of the seed which can literally make the ground white. Tree form is upright spreading with an oval to rounded crown. The glossy medium green leaves are 3-5″ long and equally wide. Fall color is yellow. Because of the tree’s large size and tendency for branches to break in wind and ice storms, Cottonwood is usually not recommended for residential landscapes or other small properties. It is a good tree for highway and park plantings where little maintenance is possible. Cottonwood is native throughout the upper Midwest.
Size: 75-100'
Hardiness: All Zones
Light: Sun
Cottonwood is a rapid growing tree and becomes very large with age. Sexes are separate. Male catkins show colorful red stamens in the spring. The small, light seeds are attached to a white cottony substance which aids in wind dispersal of the seeds. Female trees produce tremendous amounts of the seed which can literally make the ground white. Tree form is upright spreading with an oval to rounded crown. The glossy medium green leaves are 3-5″ long and equally wide. Fall color is yellow. Because of the tree’s large size and tendency for branches to break in wind and ice storms, Cottonwood is usually not recommended for residential landscapes or other small properties. It is a good tree for highway and park plantings where little maintenance is possible. Cottonwood is native throughout the upper Midwest.
Size: 75-100'
Hardiness: All Zones
Light: Sun
Crabapple, Red Splendor
12-24" Bare Root Seedling. Bundle of 25.
An upright, more or less open headed tree. Flowers are a rosy red bloom. Outstanding features are the tree’s almost complete disease resistance and its small red fruit, 1cm in diameter, that cling to the trees all winter. The flowering crabapple are a durable and highly useful ornamental trees that are strikingly beautiful in bloom.
Size: 15-20'
Hardiness: Zone 3
Light: Full Sun
An upright, more or less open headed tree. Flowers are a rosy red bloom. Outstanding features are the tree’s almost complete disease resistance and its small red fruit, 1cm in diameter, that cling to the trees all winter. The flowering crabapple are a durable and highly useful ornamental trees that are strikingly beautiful in bloom.
Size: 15-20'
Hardiness: Zone 3
Light: Full Sun
12-24" Bare Root Seedling. Bundle of 25.
Viburnum Trilobum is unusually beautiful with its soft maple-like leaves, producing white lacecap flowers mid-May to mid-June, followed by bunches of shiny bright red berries by August, which can be harvested in autumn.
Size: 8-12'
Hardiness: Zone 1-2
Light: Sun to Partial Sun
Viburnum Trilobum is unusually beautiful with its soft maple-like leaves, producing white lacecap flowers mid-May to mid-June, followed by bunches of shiny bright red berries by August, which can be harvested in autumn.
Size: 8-12'
Hardiness: Zone 1-2
Light: Sun to Partial Sun
Dogwood, Redosier
12-24" Bare Root Seedling. Bundle of 25.
This redtwig dogwood cultivar is a rapid-growing, multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub which grows to a maximum size of 4-5′ tall with a rounded, spreading (stoloniferous) habit. Denser and more compact than the species due in large part to its shorter internodes. The outstanding ornamental feature of this plant is its bright red winter stems which are particularly showy against a snowy backdrop. Tiny white flowers appear in flat-topped clusters (to 2.5″ diameter) in late spring, with sparse, intermittent, additional flowering sometimes continuing into summer. Flowers give way to clusters of whitish (sometimes with a bluish tinge) drupes in late summer. Fruit is quite attractive to birds and is generally considered to have as much if not more ornamental interest than the flowers. Ovate to lanceolate, dark green leaves (2-4″ long) turn an attractive reddish purple in autumn.
Size: 6-8'
Hardiness: Zones 3-8
Light: Full Sun to Partial Shade
This redtwig dogwood cultivar is a rapid-growing, multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub which grows to a maximum size of 4-5′ tall with a rounded, spreading (stoloniferous) habit. Denser and more compact than the species due in large part to its shorter internodes. The outstanding ornamental feature of this plant is its bright red winter stems which are particularly showy against a snowy backdrop. Tiny white flowers appear in flat-topped clusters (to 2.5″ diameter) in late spring, with sparse, intermittent, additional flowering sometimes continuing into summer. Flowers give way to clusters of whitish (sometimes with a bluish tinge) drupes in late summer. Fruit is quite attractive to birds and is generally considered to have as much if not more ornamental interest than the flowers. Ovate to lanceolate, dark green leaves (2-4″ long) turn an attractive reddish purple in autumn.
Size: 6-8'
Hardiness: Zones 3-8
Light: Full Sun to Partial Shade
Hazelnut, American
12-24" Bare Root Seedling. Bundle of 25.
American filbert (also commonly called hazelnut) is a Missouri native, deciduous, rounded, multi-stemmed shrub which typically grows 8-16′ tall and occurs statewide in dry or moist thickets, woodlands and wood margins, valleys, uplands and prairies. Monoecious (separate male and female flowers on the same plant). In spring, male flowers appear in showy, 2-3″ long, yellowish brown catkins and female flowers appear in small, reddish, inconspicuous catkins. Female flowers give way to small, egg-shaped, 1/2″ long, edible nuts (maturing July-August) which are encased in leafy, husk-like, ragged-edged bracts. Nuts are similar in flavor to the European filbert, and may be roasted and eaten or ground into flour, but are also commonly left for the squirrels and birds. Ovate, double-toothed, dark green leaves (3-6″ long). Fall color is quite variable, ranging from attractive combinations of orange, rose, purplish red, yellow and green to undistinguished, dull yellowish green.
Size: 8-15'
Hardiness: Zone 4
Light: Full Sun to Partial Shade
American filbert (also commonly called hazelnut) is a Missouri native, deciduous, rounded, multi-stemmed shrub which typically grows 8-16′ tall and occurs statewide in dry or moist thickets, woodlands and wood margins, valleys, uplands and prairies. Monoecious (separate male and female flowers on the same plant). In spring, male flowers appear in showy, 2-3″ long, yellowish brown catkins and female flowers appear in small, reddish, inconspicuous catkins. Female flowers give way to small, egg-shaped, 1/2″ long, edible nuts (maturing July-August) which are encased in leafy, husk-like, ragged-edged bracts. Nuts are similar in flavor to the European filbert, and may be roasted and eaten or ground into flour, but are also commonly left for the squirrels and birds. Ovate, double-toothed, dark green leaves (3-6″ long). Fall color is quite variable, ranging from attractive combinations of orange, rose, purplish red, yellow and green to undistinguished, dull yellowish green.
Size: 8-15'
Hardiness: Zone 4
Light: Full Sun to Partial Shade
Honeylocust, Thornless
12-24" Bare Root Seedling. Bundle of 25.
A fast-growing tree with fragrant spring flowers. Its delicate, open silhouette lets grass grow underneath. Tiny leaflets turn yellow or yellow-green in fall. Pollution, salt and drought tolerant. Adapts to a wide range of soils.
Size: 30-70'
Hardiness: Zones 3-9
Light: Full Sun
A fast-growing tree with fragrant spring flowers. Its delicate, open silhouette lets grass grow underneath. Tiny leaflets turn yellow or yellow-green in fall. Pollution, salt and drought tolerant. Adapts to a wide range of soils.
Size: 30-70'
Hardiness: Zones 3-9
Light: Full Sun
Lilac, Villosa (Late Bloom)
12-24" Bare Root Seedling. Bundle of 25.
Small shrub. Oval dark green leaves. Abundant blossoming in pink-mauve fragrant panicles.
Size: 6-10'
Hardiness: Zone 3a
Light: Full Fun
Small shrub. Oval dark green leaves. Abundant blossoming in pink-mauve fragrant panicles.
Size: 6-10'
Hardiness: Zone 3a
Light: Full Fun
Lilac, White
12-24" Bare Root Seedling. Bundle of 25.
This common lilac cultivate is an upright shrub with single white flowers arranged in a dense pyramidal clusters. They have a sweet fragrant white flower which appear in May.
Size: 10-12'
Hardiness: Zones 2-8
Light: Sun
This common lilac cultivate is an upright shrub with single white flowers arranged in a dense pyramidal clusters. They have a sweet fragrant white flower which appear in May.
Size: 10-12'
Hardiness: Zones 2-8
Light: Sun
Maple, Amur
12-24" Bare Root Seedling. Bundle of 25.
Clusters of fragrant, yellowish-white flowers in spring; fruit red on certain cultivars; autumn color is a mix of yellow and red (varies from tree to tree).
Size: 15-20'
Hardiness: Zones 2-8
Light: Sun to Partial Shade
Clusters of fragrant, yellowish-white flowers in spring; fruit red on certain cultivars; autumn color is a mix of yellow and red (varies from tree to tree).
Size: 15-20'
Hardiness: Zones 2-8
Light: Sun to Partial Shade
Maple. Rubrum
12-24" Bare Root Seedling. Bundle of 25.
The swamp or red maple is a beautiful deciduous tree that is often planted as an ornamental. It ranges from medium to large in stature with notable variation in size and form depending on its site. While this tree may attain a height of 120 ft (36.6 m) and grow 5 ft (1.5 m) in diameter under ideal conditions, it more commonly grows 40-50 ft (12.2-15.2 m) in height with diameters of 1.5-2.5 ft (3.8-6.4 cm). It has a narrow or rounded compact crown, and due to prolific sprouting, this tree often grows in clumps of stems from one stump. It also occurs as a single trunked tree and is most often grown this way in landscapes. There are a number of varieties offered on the market selected for characteristics like size, fall color.
Size: 40-60'
Hardiness: Zones 3-9
Light: Sun to Partial Shade
The swamp or red maple is a beautiful deciduous tree that is often planted as an ornamental. It ranges from medium to large in stature with notable variation in size and form depending on its site. While this tree may attain a height of 120 ft (36.6 m) and grow 5 ft (1.5 m) in diameter under ideal conditions, it more commonly grows 40-50 ft (12.2-15.2 m) in height with diameters of 1.5-2.5 ft (3.8-6.4 cm). It has a narrow or rounded compact crown, and due to prolific sprouting, this tree often grows in clumps of stems from one stump. It also occurs as a single trunked tree and is most often grown this way in landscapes. There are a number of varieties offered on the market selected for characteristics like size, fall color.
Size: 40-60'
Hardiness: Zones 3-9
Light: Sun to Partial Shade
12-24" Bare Root Seedling. Bundle of 25.
Nannyberry Viburnum is a large growing “leggy” native shrub that can be pruned into a small tree form. It produces 2-3″ clusters of white flowers in the spring. Mature fruit are black in color. Fall color is deep maroon to red. The glossy, green leaves are 1 1/2″ wide and up to 4″ long.
Size: 12-15'
Hardiness: Zone 2
Light: Sun to Partial Shade
Nannyberry Viburnum is a large growing “leggy” native shrub that can be pruned into a small tree form. It produces 2-3″ clusters of white flowers in the spring. Mature fruit are black in color. Fall color is deep maroon to red. The glossy, green leaves are 1 1/2″ wide and up to 4″ long.
Size: 12-15'
Hardiness: Zone 2
Light: Sun to Partial Shade
Oak, Bur
12-24" Bare Root Seedling. Bundle of 25.
Burr Oak has several unique traits among large shade trees: fiddle-shaped foliage that is thick and large, bark on lower trunks that has thick, vertical flattened ridges with very deep furrows, large fringed acorns, and stout semi-corky twigs; in addition, the tree often stands alone in fields in the wild, displaying its bold texture of a massive trunk and huge spreading limbs from a distance, and being very drought tolerant due to its very deep taproot system.
Size: 70-80'
Hardiness: Zone 2-8
Light: Sun
Burr Oak has several unique traits among large shade trees: fiddle-shaped foliage that is thick and large, bark on lower trunks that has thick, vertical flattened ridges with very deep furrows, large fringed acorns, and stout semi-corky twigs; in addition, the tree often stands alone in fields in the wild, displaying its bold texture of a massive trunk and huge spreading limbs from a distance, and being very drought tolerant due to its very deep taproot system.
Size: 70-80'
Hardiness: Zone 2-8
Light: Sun
Oak, Red
12-24" Bare Root Seedling. Bundle of 25.
A medium sized, deciduous tree with a rounded to broad-spreading, often irregular crown. Typically grows at a moderate-to-fast rate to a height of 50-75′ (often larger in the wild). Dark, lustrous green leaves (grayish-white beneath) with 7-11, toothed lobes which are sharply pointed at the tips. Leaves turn brownish-red in autumn. Insignificant flowers in separate male and female catkins appear in spring. Fruits are acorns (with flat, saucer-shaped cups) which mature in early fall. An abundant crop of acorns may not occur before this tree reaches 40 years old. A Missouri native tree which typically occurs on northern- and eastern-facing wooded slopes throughout the State. Also commonly called northern red oak.
Size: 75'
Hardiness: Zones 4-8
Light: Sun
A medium sized, deciduous tree with a rounded to broad-spreading, often irregular crown. Typically grows at a moderate-to-fast rate to a height of 50-75′ (often larger in the wild). Dark, lustrous green leaves (grayish-white beneath) with 7-11, toothed lobes which are sharply pointed at the tips. Leaves turn brownish-red in autumn. Insignificant flowers in separate male and female catkins appear in spring. Fruits are acorns (with flat, saucer-shaped cups) which mature in early fall. An abundant crop of acorns may not occur before this tree reaches 40 years old. A Missouri native tree which typically occurs on northern- and eastern-facing wooded slopes throughout the State. Also commonly called northern red oak.
Size: 75'
Hardiness: Zones 4-8
Light: Sun
Plum, American
12-24" Bare Root Seedling. Bundle of 25.
American Plum can be a small tree or a large shrub. As a tree, it typically grows to 15-25′ tall with a broad, spreading crown. As a shrub, it suckers freely and can form large colonies. 2-5 flowered clusters (umbels) of 5-petaled white flowers (1″ diameter) appear in March before the foliage. Flowers are followed by edible, round, red plums (1″ diameter) with bright yellow pulp which ripen in early summer. Although the plums can be eaten raw, the quality is somewhat poor. The fruits are perhaps better used for preserves and jellies. Toothed, oblong to ovate leaves are 3-4″ long and turn yellow to red in autumn. Branches and twigs are an attractive dark reddish-brown and sometimes have thorny lateral branchlets. American Plum is very hardy and drought resistant. Excellant for wildlife plantings.
Size: 12-20'
Hardiness: Zone 2-9
Light: Sun
American Plum can be a small tree or a large shrub. As a tree, it typically grows to 15-25′ tall with a broad, spreading crown. As a shrub, it suckers freely and can form large colonies. 2-5 flowered clusters (umbels) of 5-petaled white flowers (1″ diameter) appear in March before the foliage. Flowers are followed by edible, round, red plums (1″ diameter) with bright yellow pulp which ripen in early summer. Although the plums can be eaten raw, the quality is somewhat poor. The fruits are perhaps better used for preserves and jellies. Toothed, oblong to ovate leaves are 3-4″ long and turn yellow to red in autumn. Branches and twigs are an attractive dark reddish-brown and sometimes have thorny lateral branchlets. American Plum is very hardy and drought resistant. Excellant for wildlife plantings.
Size: 12-20'
Hardiness: Zone 2-9
Light: Sun
Poplar, Norway, Siouxland
12-24" Bare Root Seedling. Bundle of 25.
Fast growing tree used for windbreaks and riparian plantings. Requires moist soil but can tolerate dry soil.
Size: 40-60'
Hardiness: Zone 3
Light: Sun
Fast growing tree used for windbreaks and riparian plantings. Requires moist soil but can tolerate dry soil.
Size: 40-60'
Hardiness: Zone 3
Light: Sun